Sunday, September 28, 2008

Somewhat recently, on a continent somewhat far away...

...The Brothers Rutledge began their adventure in the country of Ireland. They quickly learned a few things:
  • Showering is difficult when you don't own bath towels.
  • Regarding light switches: up is off and down is on.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Guinness tastes the same here as it does at home: delicious. And it is not served warm anywhere.
  • Irish pubs play only American music.
Their adventure began with no place to sleep. After briefly considering a night on the streets, the Brothers decided instead to cram into a friend's small flat where, unbeknownst to them, eight people were already planning on spending the night. A night on the hard-wood was enough to convince them to try a hostel.

On their first day in Ireland, Eric and Jeff landed a place to live. The Dublin apartment scene is rather competitive; they decided that bribery was their best option if they wished to find a place. So, with the help of a few beers bought for the right people, they bought and charmed their way into an apartment. Unfortunately, it wasn't available until Oct. 1st, so the Brothers took up residence for the week in a crowded house just outside the City Centre. It is here they now find themselves, awaiting the appointed hour at which they can enter what will be their home for the next four months.

Until next time, please enjoy this photo tour of the adventures of The Brothers Rutledge:

The River Liffey.

O'Connell St. The nexus of the universe in Dublin.

One of the Brothers engaging in, and failing at, some football. Fortunately for him -- and contrary to what all Americans seem to think -- Europeans aren't all good at soccer either.

The post- football pint of Guinness. The second, third, and fourth pints were not recorded.

Next installment: The Brothers Rutledge look for a job. Stay tuned.


Jesse Allen said...

"A hoopy frood always knows where his towel is" -- Douglas Adams

I hope to hear more about these exploits as they come along.

Sarah Rutledge said...

It makes me laugh that whoever wrote this decided to point out everything is not always perfect in Europe despite what a lot of students who study abroad come back and say. Keep writing. It was entertaining.

cookie lady said...

Hey Eric, So the adventure has begun. ..keep it going. I've enjoyed the first episode. Kim

Beth said...

Don't be modest. I know both of you are incredibly athletic. I'm sure you schooled a few people.

Marc and Anneliese said...

thanks, jeff! there are only titles because I haven't finished the entries yet...I was testing out the links for a newsletter I am writing. It will be up in the next few days!

hope dublin's treating you fine.